The North American Division has chosen to publish a library of some of the best ideas, forms and resources that are available from North American youth camps. We are looking for contributions from each camp in the division.
This resource library is intended to be an idea-generating tool. Not all documents and ideas may be applicable to every camp and situation, but our goal is for you to take ideas and make them work for you. Be aware that laws vary; make sure any material used complies with your area's laws. If you see anything that posted that should be copyrighted, please let us know and we'll remove it from this page.
CAreers in camp ministry
Is camp ministry right for you?
Do you love being in the outdoors? Would you enjoy variety in your work? Do you find God’s voice a bit clearer out in nature? Do you like sharing these experiences with others? Would you savor the opportunity of working with young people… campers and summer camp staff alike? Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you have talents or skills that would lend themselves to camp life and work? If so, a career in camp ministry may be for you.
NAD Camp Wage Scale Guidelines
Camp Business Magazine
Do you want a good camp resource free? Look into subscribing to Camp Business. It is packed with information relating to all areas of the camp "business." To subscribe go to Camp Business.